All about lancets

You can use your favorite lancet to get the drop of blood needed to fill the COR Mini Test Tube for your ESR test. There is a wide variety available and people seem to have favorites. Here is some information to help you choose and where to buy.

In most of our instruction videos and photos you will see us using a rectangular yellow lancet. These are made by a company called Surgilance and a lot of us at COR prefer these. They are available on Amazon, here is a link to purchase more of the yellow ones, which are the lightest gauge available.

As you can see they are very inexpensive and readily available. But what if you are not getting enough blood with these lancets? Surgilance has other gauge lancets that will produce a larger drop. Here is the complete line up:

Some of us at COR prefer using the gray ones which are still "low flow" but have a slightly longer needle. Helpful if you play the violin for example. Here is a link to the gray ones.

We hope this answers all of your questions, but if not, you can reach out to us here at the help scout site or reach out through email at

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