How to Set Up Your New COR One™

Before using the COR One™ for the first time, you must configure it with your WiFi network name and password. You will need a computer or mobile phone to do so.

Before starting the COR One™ setup, have these ready:

  1. Your WiFi network name and password.
  2. USB-C Charger and Cable (included with COR One™)

Watch the video showing you how to set up your new COR One™ below:

If you prefer reading, you can access the instructions PDF by clicking here.


Trouble with seeing CorOne_<device serial number> on your WiFi list?

If your COR One™ is plugged in emitting a yellow light, but you still don't see CorOne_<device serial number> on your WiFi list, try refreshing the available WiFi network list. If your COR One™ is plugged in, but not emitting a yellow light, please contact us at

Connected to the CorOne_<device serial number> network, but nothing happened?

After connecting to the CorOne_<device serial number> network, the COR One™ WiFiManager screen should open up immediately. If it does not, type the following address into your web browser

Trouble with seeing my WiFi network in COR One WiFiManager screen?

Only 2.4GHz WiFi network is supported. If you have a 5GHz network, please try connecting to a different network.

Haven't received an email titled "COR One™ Dashboard Account Creation”.

Please check Spam if you are still waiting to receive it after five minutes. If you have checked spam and the email isn't there, please contact us at

Waited too long to click the button in the email titled "COR One™ Dashboard Account Creation”?

Our links expire in 24 hours. If you have waited more than 24 hours to verify your email to finalize the COR One™ setup, you have to repeat the process again.

If you still have any issues or questions, please feel free to contact us at

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